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Manuscript Title |
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Pdf |
1 |
Predictive Analytics Using Decision Tree In Big Data
D.Praveena|| Dr.M.SureshKumar
@article {key: article,
author = {D.Praveena|| Dr.M.SureshKumar},
title = {Predictive Analytics Using Decision Tree In Big Data},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {01-04},
month = {May}
01-04 |
2 |
Secure Communication With Lossless Data Compression Using
Dpd Encoding
Er.Aradhana Raju|| Purabi Mahato|| Ritto K. Babu|| Richi Patnaik
@article {key: article,
author = {Er.Aradhana Raju|| Purabi Mahato|| Ritto K. Babu|| Richi Patnaik},
title = {Secure Communication With Lossless Data Compression Using
Dpd Encoding},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {05-09},
month = {May}
05-09 |
3 |
Business Intelligence in Big Data
Er. Chinu|| Er Kanika|| Er Ekta
@article {key: article,
author = {Er. Chinu|| Er Kanika|| Er Ekta},
title = {Business Intelligence in Big Data},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {10-14},
month = {May}
10-14 |
4 |
Improved Cluster Head Selection For Energy Efficiency In
Wireless Sensor Networks
W. K. Buah and S. A. Ndur
@article {key: article,
author = {Nuray At|| Raed S. M. Daraghma},
title = {Improved Cluster Head Selection For Energy Efficiency In
Wireless Sensor Networks},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {15-22},
month = {May}
15-22 |
5 |
Geoid from Satlevel Collocation Model: A Case Study of Yanbu
Industrial City, Saudi Arabia
K. F. Aleem
@article {key: article,
author = {K. F. Aleem},
title = {Geoid from Satlevel Collocation Model: A Case Study of Yanbu
Industrial City, Saudi Arabia},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {23-27},
month = {May}
23-27 |
6 |
Determining the Critical Consumer in the Central Heating
Xhevat Berisha|| Drenusha Krasniqi
@article {key: article,
author = {Xhevat Berisha|| Drenusha Krasniqi},
title = {Determining the Critical Consumer in the Central Heating
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {28-34},
month = {May}
28-34 |
7 |
Design for Unmanned Milk Vending Machine Using
RFID Card System
Satya Manoj.S|| Mr. Manikandaswamy.S
@article {key: article,
author = {Satya Manoj.S|| Mr. Manikandaswamy.S},
title = {Design for Unmanned Milk Vending Machine Using
RFID Card System},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {35-38},
month = {May}
35-38 |
8 |
Characteristics of Charging And Discharging of Battery
K.V.Muralidhar Sharma|| Karthik N
@article {key: article,
author = {K.V.Muralidhar Sharma|| Karthik N},
title = {Characteristics of Charging And Discharging of Battery},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {39-43},
month = {May}
39-43 |
9 |
"Effect of soil structure interaction (SSI) on the analysis and
design of RC framed buildings"
Dange Swati|| L. G. Kalurkar
@article {key: article,
author = {Dange Swati|| L. G. Kalurkar},
title = {"Effect of soil structure interaction (SSI) on the analysis and
design of RC framed buildings"},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {44-50},
month = {May}
44-50 |
10 |
Android Interface based GSM Home Security System
Santhosh Kumar.K|| Mukesh.G|| Deepti.K
@article {key: article,
author = {Santhosh Kumar.K|| Mukesh.G|| Deepti.K},
title = {Android Interface based GSM Home Security System},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {51-58},
month = {May}
51-58 |
1 |
Analysis & Validation of Properties of Weld Zone Using FEA
Vishwas Mane || Utkarsh Mahajan || Mohit Mantri ||
Chinmay Pakhale || Prof.D.V.Burande
@article {key: article,
author = {Vishwas Mane || Utkarsh Mahajan || Mohit Mantri ||
Chinmay Pakhale || Prof.D.V.Burande},
title = {Analysis & Validation of Properties of Weld Zone Using FEA},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {01-04},
month = {May}
01-04 |
2 |
Physico Chemical Characteristics Of Bagasse Based Pulp And Paper Mill Effluent By Varying Season
Lt. P. Ravichandran || Mr.Prakash
@article {key: article,
author = {Lt. P. Ravichandran || Mr.Prakash},
title = {Physico Chemical Characteristics Of Bagasse Based Pulp And Paper Mill Effluent By Varying Season},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {05-09},
month = {May}
05-09 |
3 |
Synthesis of Array of H-plane Tee Junctions with L-band Wave guides
P.Ujjvala Kanthi Prabha || G.S.N.Raju || V.K.Varma Gottumukkala
@article {key: article,
author = {P.Ujjvala Kanthi Prabha || G.S.N.Raju || V.K.Varma Gottumukkala},
title = {Synthesis of Array of H-plane Tee Junctions with L-band Wave guides},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {10-17},
month = {May}
10-17 |
4 |
A Miniature Based Armor With Multilevel Conviction And Aloofness For The Internet Of Things
G.Kamalapriyadharshini || G.Maanjhushree || R.Rajalakshmi || Mrs.R.Kalaiselvi
M.Tech.., (Guide)
@article {key: article,
author = {G.Kamalapriyadharshini || G.Maanjhushree || R.Rajalakshmi || Mrs.R.Kalaiselvi M.Tech.., (Guide)},
title = {A Miniature Based Armor With Multilevel Conviction And
Aloofness For The Internet Of Things},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {18-28},
month = {May}
18-28 |
5 |
Probabilistic Analysis of A Single Server Multi-Component Two- Dissimilar Unit Cold Standby Redundant System Subject to Inspection And Slow Switch
G.S. Mokaddis || G.S.khalil || Hanaa Alhajri
@article {key: article,
author = {G.S. Mokaddis || G.S.khalil || Hanaa Alhajri},
title = {Probabilistic Analysis of A Single Server Multi-Component Two- Dissimilar Unit Cold Standby Redundant System Subject to Inspection And Slow Switch},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {38-55},
month = {May}
38-55 |
6 |
Armordroid: Providing Privacy Protection Over Smartphone Malware Application
R.Deepika || H.Farhana || R.Sree Gowri || Mrs.R.Sudha M.E.., (Guide)
@article {key: article,
author = {R.Deepika || H.Farhana || R.Sree Gowri || Mrs.R.Sudha M.E.., (Guide)},
title = {Armordroid: Providing Privacy Protection Over Smartphone Malware Application},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {56-63},
month = {May}
56-63 |
7 |
Design Of Single Fork Of Folding Bicycle
Ankush M. Hatwar || Sharad P. Bargat || Bhavesh A. Bohra
@article {key: article,
author = {Ankush M. Hatwar || Sharad P. Bargat || Bhavesh A. Bohra},
title = {Design Of Single Fork Of Folding Bicycle},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {64-70},
month = {May}
64-70 |
8 |
Physico Chemical Characteristics Of Bagasse Based Pulp And Paper Mill Effluent By Varying Season
Lt. P. Ravichandran || Mr.Prakash
@article {key: article,
author = {Lt. P. Ravichandran || Mr.Prakash},
title = {Physico Chemical Characteristics Of Bagasse Based Pulp And Paper Mill Effluent By Varying Season},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {73-77},
month = {May}
73-77 |
9 |
Faulty node detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Minnu Suresh || Manoj R
@article {key: article,
author = {Minnu Suresh || Manoj R},
title = {Faulty node detection in Wireless Sensor Networks},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {78-85},
month = {May}
78-85 |
Version-3 |
1 |
Comparative Study on Concrete Using Stone Dust As A Full Replacement of Fine Aggregate
Junedahmad || Adeeba Saeed || Mohd.Bilal Khan
@article {key: article,
author = {Junedahmad || Adeeba Saeed || Mohd.Bilal Khan},
title = {Comparative Study on Concrete Using Stone Dust As A Full Replacement of Fine Aggregate},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {01-03},
month = {May}
01-03 |
2 |
Experimental Analysis of Surface Roughness During CNC Milling of Brass Using Response Surface Methodology
Ranganath M. S || Roshan Kumar || Desh Raj || R. S. Mishra
@article {key: article,
author = {Ranganath M. S || Roshan Kumar || Desh Raj || R. S. Mishra},
title = {Experimental Analysis of Surface Roughness During CNC Milling of Brass Using Response Surface Methodology},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {04-09},
month = {May}
04-09 |
3 |
Role of Physics Education in Sustainable Development of Technology
Anuradha B. Bhalerao || B. G. Wagh || Savita B. Pawar
@article {key: article,
author = {Anuradha B. Bhalerao || B. G. Wagh || Savita B. Pawar},
title = {Role of Physics Education in Sustainable Development of Technology},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {10-16},
month = {May}
10-16 |
4 |
Improved Histogram Equivalence Technique For Handling Salt And Pepper Noise
Krittika || Shivani || Sunita
@article {key: article,
author = {Krittika || Shivani || Sunita},
title = {Improved Histogram Equivalence Technique For Handling Salt And Pepper Noise},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {17-22},
month = {May}
17-22 |
5 |
Study of Quantum Geometric Phase in Gravitomagnetism
Humaira Takia || M.K.Hasan || Md. Afjalur Rahman || S.B. Faruque
@article {key: article,
author = {Humaira Takia || M.K.Hasan || Md. Afjalur Rahman || S.B. Faruque},
title = {Study of Quantum Geometric Phase in Gravitomagnetism},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {23-27},
month = {May}
23-27 |
6 |
Neural Network Based Lung Cancer Detection And Prediction
Swapnil K.Kamble || Ashish A. Patil || Manisha A. Deshmukh || Rohini Onkare
@article {key: article,
author = {Swapnil K.Kamble || Ashish A. Patil || Manisha A. Deshmukh || Rohini Onkare},
title = {Neural Network Based Lung Cancer Detection And Prediction},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {28-32},
month = {May}
28-32 |
7 |
Examining Some Probiotics Activities of Bacillus Subtilis Natto
Huynh Thi Hong Nhi || Nguyen Thuy Huong
@article {key: article,
author = {Huynh Thi Hong Nhi || Nguyen Thuy Huong},
title = {Examining Some Probiotics Activities of Bacillus Subtilis Natto},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {33-37},
month = {May}
33-37 |
8 |
Analysis of Two Dissimilar – Unit Cold Standby Redundant System Subject to Inspection And two Types of Repair
G.S. Mokaddis || G.S.Khalil || Hanaa Alhajri
@article {key: article,
author = {G.S. Mokaddis || G.S.Khalil || Hanaa Alhajri},
title = {Analysis of Two Dissimilar – Unit Cold Standby Redundant System Subject to Inspection And two Types of Repair},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {38-54},
month = {May}
38-54 |
9 |
Processing & Characterization of High Porous Cualni Shape Memory Alloys
Nawal E. Abud Allatif || Munther M. Radhy || Abass A. Saleh
@article {key: article,
author = {Nawal E. Abud Allatif || Munther M. Radhy || Abass A. Saleh},
title = {Processing & Characterization of High Porous Cualni Shape Memory Alloys},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {55-66},
month = {May}
55-66 |
10 |
Analysis And Detection of Ridge Ending For Person Identification System
Arati A.Yadav || Dhanashree P.Patankar || Rubina S.Nandrekar
@article {key: article,
author = {Arati A.Yadav || Dhanashree P.Patankar || Rubina S.Nandrekar},
title = {Analysis And Detection of Ridge Ending For Person Identification System},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {67-72},
month = {May}
67-72 |